This is a machine learning project made on Credit Card Fraud Detection. The data is taken from Kaggle. Different classification machine learning algorithms have been applied to get the maximum accuracy.
This is an Animated Coffee Machine built using HTML, CSS and a little bit of Javascript.
You can use this Project to find any GitHub User profile by Just Entering their Username
It is a web-crawler that can traverse websites starting from a given seed URL, following links to discover and crawl additional pages within the defined scope, It will scrape all the front add files like HTML, php except the backend code files to ensure safety!
A movie recommender system is a type of algorithmic software that provides personalized recommendations of movies to users based on their viewing history, preferences, and behavior.
Flashcards app which is used for storing deck of flashcards for storing question and answers for academic purpose
This is a solution to the QR code component challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.
Summarizer is a web application built with React and Redux that utilizes the article-extractor-and-summarizer Rapid API to summarize articles and blog posts.
In this you can find the different cryptoverse and their price as well as market cap and it also shows the graph for 24 hours, 3 Months , 30 Months and 1 Year.
A CryptoCurrency React web App which gives information of all cryptocurrency coins.
Responsive Gym Website.
Loseless Compression reduces file's size with no loss of quality. This project takes in .txt file as input and produces .huf file which takes less storage space. It also converts .huf file into original .txt file.
Developed a Crypto tracking web application, that provides over 2000+ crypto coin details with a graphical representation of each crypto coin trend history over the last year, month, or day and can view pricing in various currencies.
Elpha is a verified discord bot made with discord.js and hosted on Railway. Its development aims to make server moderation easier
A to do list web application which allow user to save tasks, even after closing browser